Monday, May 19, 2014

Pack, pack, and pack some more

Hip, hip, hooray! It is the weekend. We are getting ready to go for a bike ride. That is the fun part. Now it is time to pack. It used to be just pack the bikes and my husband and I were off to a trail where we could spend the entire day riding. Now, we have to think about all the things that we need as a family for a short bike ride. What do we need to take on a family bike ride? Well, bikes, bicycle trailer, water bottles, sippy cups, Laugh and Learn Puppy, stuffed animals, toy phone, cell phones, snacks for baby, helmets, diaper bag, tire pump, tubing for tires, and the list could keep going. Is it all really necessary? Probably not. Am I going to take it anyway? Probably. Did I forget anything? Probably. Did it take too long to pack? Yes!

I would love to simplify the process of packing for any trip. I would love to start keeping a go bag. Any suggestions on how and what to pack for short and long trips would be helpful. What do you pack?

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