Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wipes Box Activity

  • Fabric scraps (as many as you have that will fit in a wipes box)

Take fabric scraps and put them inside of a wipes box for child to pull out. Make the scraps the size of wipes and fold them like wipes in order to make sure they can be easily pulled out by the baby. Another option is to sew the scraps into a really long piece so the baby has to keep pulling to get the really large piece out of the box. Older toddlers would enjoy putting the scraps inside the box as well. To enhance the fabric scrap activity, label the scraps with letters, numbers, colors, or other words and say what is on the scrap as a baby examines it. (Idea adapted from

Take out two scraps and place one half way over the other scrap.
Fold bottom scrap over the top scrap, leaving half of the top scrap uncovered.
Place another scrap on top of the scraps, leaving half not touching the scraps below.
Fold bottom scrap over top scrap, leaving half of the top scrap uncovered.  Continue this process until all scraps are used.
Place scrap pile in the wipes box.  Place top scrap that is uncovered through the hole of wipes box.
Leave scrap pulled up slightly for baby to pull.  Either leave the box open or close the container, depending on whether your child can open the container or not.  

My daughter loved this activity. She always going after wipes boxes when they are within her reach so she was naturally excited about being able to play with one. I would advise to be ready to keep reloading the box as your baby removes all of the fabric scraps, otherwise your baby may become bored if he or she has not figured out how to put the scraps back into the box. I loaded the wipes box several times for my daughter before she was ready to move on to another activity.   

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